Harkins Theatres Camelview at Fashion Square 14
7014 E Camelback Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Saturday, April 29th - 5:00pm
followed by Q&A and cocktail reception
All proceeds go to the Focus On Lyme Foundation
THE QUIET EPIDEMIC follows a young girl from Brooklyn and a Duke University scientist both diagnosed with a disease said to not exist: Chronic Lyme disease. Their search for answers lands them in the middle of a vicious medical debate. What begins as a patient story evolves into an investigation into the history of Lyme disease, dating back to its discovery in 1975. A paper trail of suppressed scientific research and buried documents reveal why tick-borne diseases have been allowed to quietly spread around the globe.

Become a Sponsor!
Please consider supporting Focus On Lyme by becoming a sponsor of our next event, where we'll be screening The Quiet Epidemic, a documentary film about the people fighting Lyme.
Title Sponsor - $10,000
• 8 Tickets
• Logo/name on the big screen & all marketing materials
• Special thanks during panel
• Logo/name at the cocktail reception
• Special thanks on social media platforms
Platinum Sponsor - $5,000
• 6 Tickets
• Logo/name on the big screen & all marketing materials
• Special thanks during panels
• Logo/name at the cocktail reception
Gold Sponsor - $2,500
• 4 tickets
• Logo/name on the big screen & all marketing materials
• Logo/name at the cockatil reception
Silver Sponsor - $1,000
• 2 tickets
• Logo/name on the big screen & all marketing materials
• Logo/name at the cocktail reception